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2019 Intermediate LLI World Series U.S. Bracket
HOST :    N CA District 57, LIvermore, CA
Teams shown in RED have been eliminated from further tournament play.
This is NOT the offical Schedule!
Verify the game schedule with your manager and tournament director!
#DateTimeField Teams (score)
1 Sun Jul 28 3:00 PMHighlander IN (C) ( 9 )
Petaluma A CA (W) ( 3 )
2 Sun Jul 28 6:00 PMMcCalla AL (SE) ( 11 )
Nutley NJ (E) ( 2 )
3 Mon Jul 29 6:00 PMHighlander Yth ( 2 )
CADistrict 57 (H) ( 1 )
4 Mon Jul 29 3:00 PMMcCalla ( 20 )
N Optimist NM (SW) ( 8 )
5 Tue Jul 30 3:00 PMNoon Optimist ( 10 )
Petaluma Amer ( 9 )
6 Tue Jul 30 6:00 PM8 InningsCA District 57 ( 10 )
Nutley(AM/East) ( 8 )
7 Wed Jul 31 6:00 PMMcCalla ( 5 )
Highlander Youth ( 4 )
8 Wed Jul 31 12:00 PMNoon Optimist ( 7 )
CA District 57 ( 5 )
9 Thu Aug 01 7:00 PMNoon Optimist ( 11 )
Highlander Yth ( 6 )
10 Sat Aug 03 5:00 PM6 InningsMcCalla ( 11 )
Noon Optimist ( 1 )